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 Ms. Colette Varese, Director of Advancement, addressed seniors regarding making their first-ever alumni pledge of $20.24 which represents their year of graduation.
Ms. Colette Varese, Director of Advancement, addressed seniors regarding making their first-ever alumni pledge of $20.24 which represents their year of graduation.
Ms. Barbara Branas

Senior Pledge: A Way to Give Back

As a Salesian School, Immaculata-La Salle gives to its community, trait that is then adopted by alumni to aid ILS in continuing the pursuit of its mission: giving. Recently, students in the senior class made their first contribution to the school as new ILS alum through their senior pledge.

A senior pledge is donating $20.24, the class graduating year, back to the school. Within the senior class 37 students participated, and some even exceeded the asked donation amount.

Ms. Colette Varese, Director of Advancement, alongside Ms. Barbara Branas, Alumni Director, visited senior English classes throughout the final weeks of their high school career pitching the benefits and effects participation in pledging generates.

,” said Ms. Varese.

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She further accentuates the enhanced sense of community this fosters as it connects them with ILS despite embarking upon a new journey. To resonate this message among the senior class, graduating seniors also received alumni prayer cards.

“This way they will be reminded of their connection to ILS and that we are always praying for them,” said Ms. Varese.

Alongside the efforts to build a strong relationship between alumni and ILS, there is a drive for the Salesian mission of giving to remain with the students as they enter a new path in their lives. The Advancement Office is attempting to, “cultivate a culture of giving” and therefore promote pledging.

Additionally, “About 98% of alumni donations go toward tuition assistance,” she shared.

In response to this statistic, Ms. Varese underscored the positive effects of pledging in return to a school that values giving.

Senior Roy Justiniani, was one among those who pledged and was moved by Ms. Varese’s words.

“For all that ILS has done for me, donating $20.24 was an easy donation for me to give,” he said.

He acknowledges the grander impact made beyond the dollar amount donated, and desires to be incorporated in ILS’s Salesian mission.

“As an alumni now I want to remain apart of ILS in any way I can, and help the school that has helped me,” he shared.

Senior pledges, being newly introduced last year, have now become a beacon of giving offering students the opportunity to partake through this first act as alumni.

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