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Sports Broadcasting: A New Opportunity for ILS Students

An illustration featuring a football and a microphone, symbolizing the sports broadcasting program.
An illustration featuring a football and a microphone, symbolizing the sports broadcasting program.
Ernesto Losada

Have you ever wanted to be a sports commentator? Here at ILS, a sports broadcasting program has recently begun. Led by Coach Brent Webber with the help of teachers like Ms. Maria Molina, Mr. Omar Gutierrez, staff Mr. David Hernandez, and directed by the Sports Broadcasting lead and LTV founder as well as English teacher Mr. Neil Kjeldsen, the program aims to help students learn the ins and outs of broadcasting sports, is open to anyone, and will take place during F-Block. 

Students will visit the Press Box, which is part of the recently constructed stadium. There they will learned how to use all the equipment needed, how to talk to coaches, athletes, etc. Those who become good enough will broadcast the home games for Football and some home games of Girls Volleyball this coming fall.

You might be thinking, “Why would I want to stay at school on a Friday night?”, well, those who broadcast the games will be fed and given community service hours for their work and time. It’s also simply a great opportunity to become better at something that you might end up loving.

An illustration of a microphone, one of the many pieces of equipment used in sports broadcasting. (Ernesto Losada)

“I haven’t been able to do actual broadcasting yet, but I had to go to a game to take videos, and it was basically broadcasting,” shared sophomore Francisco Pages. “It was really enjoyable  to get to work with all the equipment and get an idea for what is to come in the program.”

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”It has been a really great experience to learn all about how to be a sports broadcaster,” said junior Joaquin Martinelli. “I would highly recommend it.”

If any of this sounds interesting to you, make sure to reach out to Mr. Kjeldsen, Mr. Webber, Ms. Molina, or Mr. Gutierrez in person or by sending them an email with questions about how to join.

It is a great opportunity for all students interested in sports, and will help participants develop new skills.  

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