Don Day Recap


Laura Berry

Don Bosco Day is filled with activities and fun, but also a spiritual day to connect with our faith during Mass.

Laura Berry, Writer

It’s the day ILS students can’t wait for every year.. Don Bosco Day!

Every year, ILS celebrates a day to honor St. Don Bosco’s oratory model: Church, Home, Playground, and School. This day starts with a Mass and then outdoor activities, which represent the balance of having fun as well as a spiritual life.

“Don Bosco day is my favorite day of the school year!” exclaimed senior Mia Raposo.”

Here’s a recap of what happened:

Feast of Don Bosco Mass

There was a Mass led by Father Steve, who happens to also be a rapper from New York. He interacted with the students during the Mass with his liturgy on the ultimate goal as Catholics which is to go to heaven.

Father Steve gave the Mass a vibrant and moving liturgy on what Don Bosco wants to tell us: That he sees us. (Laura Berry)

“I see you,” Father Steve said to the Mass attendants.

What he meant by that was that Don Bosco wants to tell ILS that he sees our faults and imperfections, but he still welcomes us to being in the faith with God with open arms.

“When he said ‘I see you,’ it really made me emotional and moved me,” said senior Samantha Santiago.

There was singing, clapping, and lots of enthusiasm throughout the Mass. After Mass was over, the activities started.

Here is a list of what events took place:

-Food (chicken patties and veggie burgers), chips and cookies -Music & games
-Interactive inflatables
-Concessions (popcorn, sno-cones & cotton candy)

The air filled with smells of popcorn as English teacher Ms. Celine Sosa handed out a freshly popped batch. Yum! (Laura Berry)

-and the Ping-Pong tournament!

Bracelet-making was a popular spot on this day. There were many students making key chains, bracelets, and rings using colorful beads, charms, and strings.

A perfect arts and crafts for car keys! (Laura Berry)
Colorful beads were all over the place as the students worked on their unique and very own bracelets and chains. (Laura Berry)

There was rock climbing using harnesses for safety purposes, bouncy houses that had obstacle courses including climbing and sliding, and inflatable boxing matches, where students hit each other with inflatable logs.  Students really seemed to enjoy matches with friends.

Here’s a picture of the rock climbing event on campus. Unless you’re afraid of heights, this shouldn’t be too hard. (Laura Berry)
Here’s a picture of a battle between Senior Allison Perez and Raymond Martinez fighting it out on the colorful inflatable ring. (Laura Berry)


“It’s a bit sad to realize as a senior that this will be our last one, but knowing the tradition will keep going every year for students to enjoy makes me happy,” said senior Ignacio Gamero.

And that’s your recap on what happened on Don Bosco Day. Only 365 days till the next one! But, if you’re a senior, hopefully you made the most of your last one.

“I love Don Bosco Day,” exclaimed Sister Katie.

Have a blessed day!