ILS Volleyball Wins Dig Pink game!
Girls Volleyball Team at Dig Pink
October 9, 2019
On Tuesday, October 8th, the ILS girls volleyball team hosted Dig Pink in support of Breast Cancer Awareness. The Varsity girls volleyball team won against Somerset Pembroke Pines with a straight set of 26-24, 25-16, and 25-21!
All proceeds of the game were sent to the Side Out Foundation, a charity that raises money for research on Breast Cancer.
Dig Pink has been a relatively new event that started two years ago at La Salle. The idea was brought up by two team members, Charlize Ramos and Emma Callaghan. They both thought it would be a fun way to raise money and had previously seen other schools participate in it.
“October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month,” said Ramos. “And since our season predominantly takes place in October, we thought that it would be appropriate for the month in which our season is in.”
The team played well against their opponent, Somerset Pembroke Pines. Seniors Madeline Cannata and Mikalya Sanchez-Torrelio led the way with eight and six kills respectively. Sophomore Kiara Alietti had 14 digs and junior Adriana Medina picked up 12 assists.

Event Banner for Dig Pink
The ILS Gym was decorated with pink balloons and streamers, and students were allowed to wear any Breast Cancer shirt they had bought this year or previously purchased ones.
The team also showed support by dressing in pink. The Libero wore a pink jersey while the rest of the team wore pink socks and had pink ribbons in their hair.
Friday, October 11th, is Senior Night so make sure you go out and support our varsity seniors on their final home game of the season. Go Royals!