Junior Encounter
November 2, 2022

On Tuesday November 1st the Junior class had their Junior Encounter. The main purpose of the retreat is for the grade to grow closer and spend more time to deepen faith. Since we were also celebrating All Saints Day, the day started off with mass. After mass, all the juniors stayed in the gym and we were separated into groups. The first station we went to was the field where we were able to play a variety of different games. Some used the time to talk and get to know each other.
We later went to the chapel for time in adoration where we listened to songs and prayed. You could really feel the presence of God in the room and people took the time to reflect. Everyone was very in touch with the prayer and I think it helped people have a personal connection with God.
Once we finished adoration, we had time for free play Senior Santi Quiros gave a witness talk.
Towards the end of the encounter we watched a short animated film based on a true story of a little girl who became friends with a little boy with a disability. Throughout the film, she encourages him to do things that he cannot do, such as walking, talking, and playing games/ sports. The little girl (Maria), was a very good friend to him and always talked to him while others thought he was weird because he was different than the other kids.
I feel like the video touched many of the juniors because it showed how simple acts of kindness can change someone’s life and truly make a difference.
Overall, I really enjoyed this years encounter and I look forward to experiencing it again senior year.