“Trick or Treat” – SALTT Field Trip
SALLT volunteers demonstrate the importance of being limber before engaging in Halloween activities.
November 13, 2022
The SALTT Club just had a field-trip to Escuelita Maya at Highland Elementary for Halloween. Before this field trip, students were asked to bring candy for the kids and come dressed up in Halloween costumes to get the kids in the spirit. This field trip was prioritized for the sophomores as many went. After accommodating the sophomores, other grade levels were allowed to sign on.
There were a total of two full busses. One of them went to Highland Elementary and the other went to a church near the school. At the elementary, they had different kinds of activities to entertain the kids
“They needed my help and I guided them with activities and just having fun with them. Seeing a smile in their face meant so much to me,” said by sophomore Sarah Henriques.
They had different stations for cupcake making, dance party, bracelet making, bingo, and a trick or treating game. This was also done at the church, too. Sophomore Valentina Aguera went to the church and helped the kids with activities too.
“I knew one of the kids from previous SALTT field trips that I have gone to. Seeing her smile at me when she recognized who I was, made my day,” said sophomore Valentina Aguera.
Sophomore Marianna Ortega Ruiz was on the bus headed to the the elementary school.
“I met one little girl named Yetza. At first she was really shy, but towards the end, she warmed up to me and expressed her real self. I felt like I really bonded with her. I love that she showed her true self to everyone in the end. That really touched my heart,” said Ruiz.

She also mentioned how she recommends going to these field trips not for the service hours, but more for touching these childrens’ hearts and helping the community, even if that’s by donating candy or supplies for school. Volunteers can still touch a child’s heart in the end.