Why You Should Join Drama

There is so much that goes on behind the scenes to prepare a production for the stage.

Maya Garcia, Sports Editor

Over the years, ILS’ Drama Club has really evolved, putting on so many enjoyable, humorous, beautiful performances, with much more in store for upcoming years.

The most recent production, The Addams Family, was one for the books! In a recent interview with senior Alexa Emirzian, she really exclaimed her appreciation for the Drama Club, saying, “I don’t know how they do it! It takes so much time and effort to put on shows like this.”

Being in Drama is much more than you would expect. Putting on shows with this much detail takes a secure team that trusts each other. There are so many roles behind the scenes, you may be shocked to learn. When studying this team of creators, you may then understand the long process they have to go through when preparing for a show.

Senior Ana Lynch, Drama Club stage manager, has such an important role in creating shows. She is the person who really gets to move everyone and everything into place to fully create a scene. She chose drama because of a lifelong love for dance and singing. She is a very dedicated person, taking all of her free time to perfect how everything flows.

“At the end of the day, drama chose me. I have always had a talent in producing and choreographing that it came easy to me,” she explained.

Ana has been stage manager for The Sound Of Music, and The Addams Family. She has acted in a number of shows, and has been such an important piece of the puzzle, when it comes to drama.