Salesian Hearts: Searching for God’s Voice
Students from Saint Kevin’s convene for their retreat.
February 10, 2023
Saint Kevin’s school came to Immaculata La Salle to have their first ever confirmation retreat On Tuesday, February 7th 2023,.
Salesian Hearts is a club that hosts retreats for Catholic middle schools in Miami. Sister Rosa, who is the main coordinator in the activities that take place during these retreats, said that, “This retreat was a success.”
She went on to explain as it was a really cool day, there was an issue where the bus got in late and they had to cut an activity, but the kids were still able to have fun and moved quickly.
Many teachers accompanied and helped with writing their palancas–a powerful letter sent to the retreatant by a friend, teacher or family member (a Spanish word that means “lever”). Just as a lever enables a person to move something, a palanca empowers the accomplishment of certain things that would not be possible without the grace of God.
Retreatants also experienced adoration which is a time of prayer.
Sister Rosa likes to incorporate the rule of “Prayer, Play and Eat” where the children spend time in some form of play, some form of prayer, and then are given lunch time.
She also incorporates a witness talk where one of the leaders shares a time in their life that relates to the theme of the retreat.
These children were very moved by the witness talk. Once they get back to school, they receive their palancas. Receiving these palancas was very emotional for these children since they came from their parents and other special people in their lives. This was a perfect retreat for their confirmation that is coming this weekend.
They were not as rushed as in the past. The main point of this retreat was “How do you hear God’s voice?” How do you hear God’s voice in a world of misleading voices?