“The Night of January 16…” by ILS Drama
The cast of “The Night of January 16th” after their show March 9 congratulate each other for a fine performance.
March 15, 2023
Could you decide the outcome of a criminal case fairly?
This past Thursday, March 9th, the Drama Club produced the BlackBox play “The Night of January 16th..” which centers on the triall of secretary Karen Andre for the murder of her employer, Bjorn Faulkner, who defrauded his company of millions of dollars to invest in the gold trade, facing bankruptcy. “Night of January 16th” leaves the answers to the mystery completely up to the audience, as they chose a jury from the audience to convict the defendant. It really is a gripping drama, resulting in having the viewers always guessing.
Clearly, the suspense just doesn’t let up when it comes to our Drama Club.

Senior Ana Lynch, stage manager of the Drama Club, fully made the play happen, working countlessly to make everything flow perfectly as well as detailed. She had control of stage setup, music, lights etc. She also directed all the actors and actresses and had them rehearse for months. To add to those responsibilities, Ana had to take on the major role of Karen Andre a week before opening night. Without Ana Lynch, there would have been chaos…
Senior Mercy Cabrera, who played Amalia Jungquist expressed her appreciation for Ana.
“She stayed professional and helped everyone independently.”
Mercy spoke of how the show will always hold a special place in her heart. She loved how the show was set up, the plot twists that kept the audience on their toes, and she especially loved the ending of the play.
In addition to Ana, the cast is greatly important in the process of recreating beautiful classics and showing them to the world.
I spoke to some of our cast to get a deeper look into what their acting process is individually. It is hard developing acting skills, confidence, and discipline especially. There are so many challenging factors of acting and there are skills to accomplish.
“I’ve never been more inspired in a play, especially a play where I got to play a cranky old lady.” said Vicky Harding, believing that she was always meant to play a cranky old lady.