Golf is typically known as an “old people” sport because of the past few Presidents being frequent golfers and, let’s be honest, most linksmen, another term for golfers, are old. Yet, it is a game that anyone can play as long as they have a decent attention span and love for the sport.
“It’s just a matter of concentration. To help me concentrate, I often think of the wind, the curves on the ground, water, and obstacles,” said Gianna Cusano.
A mental game is one way someone could describe golf. While it is not very taxing on the body, the athlete must remain one hundred percent in check while putting the ball. A single second of broken concentration could lead to an unnecessary frivolous fault.
“I missed qualifying by two strokes out of eighty three,” said Hector Pires.
Hector was somewhat sad about not qualifying, but he was glad about the progress he has made in such a short amount of time, and “there’s always next year.” Hector is a year-long golfer who began his journey with his cousin randomly inviting him to play. After this, he kept golfing because he found it to be fun.
“All I think of when I’m golfing is the steps I will take,” Hector said.
All golfers have a different way of setting up for their shot, and there is no correct or incorrect way of setting up the stroke. All that matters is that your shot turns out well. Hector’s strategy helps him clear his mind to remain somewhat tranquil in tough territory.
With all the effort the golfer may put in, he can still make a mistake leaving him or her oftentimes brokenhearted knowing there was something else that could have been done to improve the play.