From the start of our lives, a main concern is whether or not we will be successful.
We look up to people like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs, and Michelle Obama. Are their factors which account for their success? Are they just lucky? Is it a good education? Is it networking? Or, is it as simple as waking up slightly earlier than usual? Wel,l here is your answer.
These are the top 10 habits of successful people:
1. If it’s double digits, it’s too late. I guess the early bird does take the worm. Most successful people stay consistent with seeing the sun rise, starting their day as early as possible. They understand the power of a daily routine as it allows moments to enjoy quiet time away from technology. This gives the brain more room to work and less stress from being rushed. An early wake-up call may also impact your metabolic health. A recent study found that people who wake up early utilize more fat during rest and exercise and are more insulin-sensitive than late risers.
2. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but you should make your bed.
Many people stand by the fact that making your bed first thing when you wake up sets them up for the rest of the day. The way you start your morning can determine productivity and energy for the next 24 hours. Local entrepreneur and Luxury marketing agency owner, Ileana Velasquez, states that while getting her masters degree, making her bed everyday helped her establish responsibility. It also is the first accomplishment of the day that can make a person feel proud of completing a task.
3. Move your body to work your brain.
While stimulating the brain is important, it is also essential to work the body and build a connection between it and the mind. Any kind of physical activity at least once a day not only makes a person healthier and reduces the risk for illness, it improves memory and thinking skills. Neon 16’s ( Local music production agency) Chief of Staff Daniel Berrio states that he makes sure to run at least a mile a day at 7 am to feel accomplished and charged to take on the day’s activities. Setting a specific time everyday to exercise keeps a person accountable and maintains discipline.
4. You are not a machine so rest.
Even though we usually dismiss it when someone tells us to sleep 8 or more hours, it can truly make a difference. If you’re a high. school senior during college application season, you believe sleep is optional and not a priority anymore. However, sleep promotes cognitive skills, facilitates learning, and recharges the entire body. The lack of rest can affect problem-solving and creative-thinking skills. One research study found that subjects sleeping less than 7 hours a day were 30 percent less productive than those who did.

5. Watch what you put in your body. Part of keeping your mind and body at pique performance means keeping it well fed. Indulging in “brain foods” like nuts and seeds, salmon, fruits, greens, etc. is vital. These foods promote brain function and help preserve memory. Nutrition is essential for maintaining high energy levels and mental clarity. Successful people pay attention to their diet and have balanced meals that fuel their bodies and brains for maximum performance in all tasks.
6. Take a break; it’s okay.
To maintain high productivity, successful individuals take short, regular breaks. These intervals help them recharge, prevent burnout, and maintain a clear focus.Research shows that taking purposeful breaks (anywhere from 5–60 minutes) from studying to refresh your brain and body increases your energy, productivity, and ability to focus.
7. Give back.
It is important to practice gratitude daily. Appreciation for your family, community, and even strangers can foster a positive mindset that helps maintain a balanced perspective on life. It can help you discover a new sense of yourself and analyze your challenges and how to overcome them. This can be seen by giving back to the people you are grateful for being there for you. A kind gesture, volunteering, donating, and assisting the less fortunate are all great examples. Senior Executive SGA President, Daniela Quiros, says that her days doing service and helping the vulnerable helped her gain perspective on her struggles and what she deems important compared to other people’s real life struggles. She says that this helped her stay goal-oriented and motivated to achieve something for her community or the greater good of the world. People who practice this kind of thinking understand the importance of contributing to their communities and making a positive impact on the world.

8. Be at peace with yourself and God.
Many people turn to prayer or meditation to help them release stress and find peace. It can strengthen areas of your brain responsible for memory, learning, attention and self-awareness. This gives time to connect with yourself and a higher power which calms you down and helps you find personal clarity. This allows for a better mindset when it comes to completing tasks, and possibly finding a purpose. Over time, mindfulness meditation can increase cognition, memory, and attention. Research shows that meditation can affect your neurological behavior like changing your brain volume to decrease activity in parts of the brain involved with stress.
9. Your time is valuable; spend it with the right people.
Many people believe that misery and negativity can be contagious. When surrounding yourself with people who give out a dark or malicious energy, it can be slippery and sneak up on you. Not spending time with people who build you up can diminish your light, and you might not even notice it. If you want to be sad, surround yourself with sad people. Joy works exactly the same way. You want to be happy? Surround yourself with people who are happy to be around you. This can include family and close friends, people who support and build you up. Cuban-Nicaraguan owner of AJfernandez cigars, Abdul Fernandez, states that he finds his motivation to work within his family and the support they give him. This pushes him to build a legacy for his children and future bloodline. Spending quality time with his family gives him the inspiration to work harder and make the people he loves proud.
10. Just write it down.
Sometimes it can be helpful to schedule and plan your activities so that you can see and achieve your goals. When done well, it can deeply benefit your day and productivity. It helps to set a time for each activity and not give any time to slack off or lose track of time. It’s also helpful to keep a journal where you can stay organized and track your personal life, goals, and aspirations. When completing a task you wrote down, it can leave a large sense of completion and accomplishment which can boost further motivation. It doesn’t have to be deep and meaningful; it can simply be writing down your thoughts or feelings to understand them more clearly. It can help you gain control of your emotions and improve your mental health. Just writing a few minutes a day may help you reduce stress, boost your well-being, and better understand your needs.
Even though there are many more habits that could contribute to success, when combined and done consistently, it can create the foundation and values needed for success. They can create a sense of control, purpose, and discipline in the daily lives of highly successful people. Success is a personal journey, and these daily practices serve as a roadmap to help individuals reach their unique goals and aspirations