“Hello, Dolly!” Dancing to the Bayshore Ballroom soon!
November 22, 2019
On December 11th, the cast of “Hello, Dolly!” the ILS winter drama production, will perform in the Bayshore Ballroom. The cast has been hard at work during rehearsals, from singing, dancing and acting.
The cast started rehearsals on September 18th and has been practicing for two months straight. They still have two weeks left for rehearsals, but that is mostly tech week.
Tech week is when the cast and crew (tech) work together with lights, set pieces, props and so much more.
It’s a lot of work ahead but the cast has proven to be willing to take on anything. They have been practicing at home and been trying to put on a great show for the ILS community.

Drama director, Mrs. Lianne Rodriguez, has also been hard at work, with blocking the show and giving everyone the directorial advice they need.
She has been very busy with the show and a baby on the way. Sometimes the cast wonders how she does it, but there glad she does.
With the help from senior Anna Faustina, the “Hello, Dolly!” choreographer, the cast has been working diligently on the dances sequences that have proven to be difficult.
But with Saturday rehearsals and practicing every chance they get, they are confident that it will all turn out perfectly.
“Something about this musical is different, the energy can be felt from miles away. It’s funny, its energetic, it’s rhythmic, and you won’t stop singing. Hello dolly is our best musical yet, just wait for it,” said junior Pablo Amat, who playing one of the lead roles, Barnaby.
It’s safe to say that the cast is very excited for ILS to see all their hard work and see them perform on stage.
Tickets sales open on December 2nd. There are four ticket tiers: VIP ($25), Adult general admission ($20), Student general admission ($10) and ILS Student special ($5). All tickets can purchased on the ILS website starting December 2nd.
So remember to put the dates down in your calendar, December 11th to the 14th at 7 PM, to go see this amazing show!