For the final festivities prior to the Homecoming Game and Dance, Green and Gold Day, each class presented original skits to entertain and as a final chance to earn points.
“It was fun and short,” said sophomore Michael Tirador.
During a special schedule featuring an early noon dismissal, the seniors ultimately prevailed, winning by 25 points against the juniors for a whopping 750 points in total with the juniors having 725, sophomores getting 475, and freshmen earning 350.

The seniors won easily compared to the rest of the other classes.

The sophomores started off the week winning colors wars while seniors won the color wars participation. After that, the seniors dominated the rest of the week winning every single day with their lowest points scored being for the building decorations.
The skits presented in the gym the final day taught valuable lessons while also being entertaining.
“It was super fun, watching and talking with my friends in the gym,” said sophomore Diego Figueroa-Valcourt.
Students and faculty can apply the lessons the skits taught on and off campus to, hopefully, make the world a better place. Before the skits each class picked representatives from their grade to earn some last points in the mini-games.

The mini-games included tug-of-war, race, and getting the right items from students.
Every class featured lots of participation and school spirit. All on all, it was a fun, eventful week and a great way to end Homecoming festivities.
Fortunately, teachers were more lenient with workload should making it less overbearing for the students, and offering more of an option to make Homecoming plans.