With the exception of Methuselah (an Old Testament Biblical patriarch who reportedly lived to the age of 969), the human lifespan is longer now than it ever has been in the 2,000,000 years humans have existed; Just 200 years ago, the average lifespan expanded from 31 to the ripe old age of 71.
“During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, an increase in life expectancy was driven mainly by improvements in sanitation,” according to Nature Education.
Before sanitation, life was—in short—filthy. For example, surgeries were performed by butchers who did not clean their tools properly, if at all. Germ theory had not yet been discovered, sewage was left lying about, and the list goes on.
“I feel that people probably have longer lives partly because of how many vaccines we currently have,” said senior Stephanie Perera.
The average American child receives more than 50 vaccinations before reaching adulthood with 15 of those shots delivered during infancy. It is estimated that these vaccinations prevent a total of 4,000,000 deaths per year.
In the past, the mortality rate was so high that many families refrained from naming their child until they were at least five-years-old. Fast forward to the present day, and the infant mortality rate is 5.6 deaths for every 1,000 children who make it successfully to adulthood.
Although scientists can only give their best guesses about past times, there will always be anomalies. For example, the longest-living human recorded died in 1997 at the age of 122, so who knows? You could be a centenarian one day.
https://www.nature.com/scitable/content/life-expectancy-around-the-world-has-increased-19786/#:~:text=During the nineteenth and early,was chiefly due to infections.
https://www.iowaclinic.com/specialties/primary-care/pediatrics/every-vaccine-your-child-needs-from-birth-to-graduation/#:~:text=Your kids will get more,immunizations are necessary and why.
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/a-guide-to-immunisations-for-babies-up-to-13-months-of-age/a-guide-to-immunisation-for-babies-up-to-13-months-of-age-from-february-2022#:~:text=to be immunised.-,Immunisations at 8, 12 and 16 weeks of age,the complete routine childhood schedule.&text=Remember to bring your child’s,with you to each appointment.