Enter: Fat Bear Week, a time to enjoy pictures of the tubbiest bears and (for the more courageous) brave the formidable bruins and take pictures of them. The reason for the emphasis on the bears being “fat” is because, in winter, a bear with considerable “chub” will likely survive, if not flourish. This event takes place in Katmai National Park in Alaska.
If the reader wants a cuter competition, look no further because since 2021, Fat Bear Week Junior has been in full effect. In Fat Bear Junior, the cubs are allowed to compete against their formidable elders.
“I absolutely love brown bears. I think they are such cute creatures. I just wish they weren’t dangerous,” senior Mariano Leon De La Rosa said.
Although bears are dangerous, most of the pictures taken for Fat Bear Week are taken from a safe distance to keep both the photographer and the bear comfortable. Bears may be formidable, but if you ever come across one, remember to keep your distance, be loud, and, if you’re in a group, get close together and try to look big (even if it feels a little silly).
“I think Fat Bear Week is super cool. I just wonder what got it started, because it seems a little arbitrary,” said senior Stephanie Perera.
This fantastic week was created to support the resilience, adaptability, and strength of Katmai’s brown bears, especially since these grizzlies were endangered back in 1975. Thankfully, they have made a comeback and are doing much better. Now, enjoy the following photos of chubby bears.