ILS cheerleaders performing pep rally


ILS Cheerleading performance at Pep Rally

Alexia Menendez, Writer

On Wednesday the 15th, Immaculata La Salle hosted a pep rally in the Royal Den. It was full of freshman, sophomores, juniors and seniors eager for it to start.

The music was playing and they were excited, they played games like basketball. They went back and forth teamed up to get the most hoops in. Ofcourse Mr. Garcia was taking all the wins.

The cheerleaders performed their competition routine, and they were prepared to show us all what they have been working so hard on. The hit everything in their routine flawlessly and everyone applauded

Pep rally was super important to the ILS cheerleaders, they were nervous considering all their friends and school was watching them. They pushed through it and they made every second on the mat count.

They smiled and cheered, stunted, and performed to their very best. They did some very elite stunts that made the crowd go crazy after seeing them.

They did a stunt called a “switch up”, they have been working very hard to hit that stunt since the first pep rally they had this year performing. The routine ended in an amazing pyramid, performing with flips, full arounds, and so much more.

The ILS community is so proud of the cheerleaders and everything they have done this season leading up to the pep rally, and can’t wait to see what happens with it being competition season!