ILS Students Participate in March for Life in Washington D.C.

ILS students participated in the national March for Life in Washington DC.

Marjorie Amaral, Editor

Last Friday, January 24th, a group of 11 students and two teachers went to Washington D.C. to participate in the March For Life event.

The March for Life is a “protest” that happens in Washington to show to the government that people care about the lives that haven’t even come in contact with the earth, and that there needs to be rules to ban abortion. But this Pro-Life rally goes beyond just abortion. It’s also about immigration, gun control, health care, hunger and any other issue that affects life.

ILS students not only had the opportunity to meet new people from the Archdiocese, but they had an amazing experience and felt part of something that will do good for the community.

“Traveling with the Archdiocese of Miami was an incredible experience,” said senior Sebastian Calonge. “We got to meet and interact with several other students and young adults from our diocese. Personally, I thought it was very cool to grow close to people who shared the same beliefs about fighting for the right of the unborn.”

The first day of the trip they attended the ‘I Stand For Life Rally’ and in the March for Life they even got to hear a testimony from a abortion survivor and even President Donald Trump.

“It was very inspiring to see her talk about all she has gone through and encourage others to choose life. At the actual March, we met up with other Salesian marchers from the East Provincial. And of course, we got to hear President Trump’s speech against Roe v. Wade legislature. He was very well-spoken and the crowd was very excited as he was the first president to ever attend the March,” said Calonge.

Students from Immaculata-La Salle went to protest about the lives that can’t speak for themselves. Many students that went on last years trip saw how important it is to protest against abortion and decided to go again.

“I decided to go because I went last year and it changed my life. It put a new perspective on my own life and what it means to stand for life,” said senior Andrea Isla Canedo.

“I decided to go to the March because I had watched the movie “Unplanned” and it changed my life. I wanted to stand up for those who were as fortunate as all of us and show others that life may not always be easy to choose, but it’s always worth it,” said junior Ana Marrero.

Students that attended this trip as well as teachers, such as Mrs. Roman-Gonzalez of the English department, think it’s important for other students to experience March for Life because it impacts you, especially with all the testimonials people tell you.

“I think it’s important for for everyone in the group, I mean, that’s why we even changed the name from respect life to life is a gift. Because it’s not about being pro birth. It’s about being pro life, as long as life exists, and it could be the life of an immigrant, the life of anyone in the frinchescthe life of whoever’s feeling, put down or oppressed, we stand up for them.

“We sometimes want to be the voice of someone who doesn’t have the strength, or the ability to have his or her own voice. As right now as the one I mean, obviously the unborn are dear, near to my heart and to everyone in the group, but also So we we care very much about the immigrants and the people that are afraid to be in our country. So we stand up for their life too,” explained Mrs. Roman-Gonzalez.

Students think it’s important to stand up against the majority of people that are pro choice even if it affects your relationship with them.

“Jesus calls us to love and to live together. When it comes to fighting for life, it is our duty to save the babies but we must understand that love comes with no judgement, no hate, no anger,” said Calonge.

Students had a great time, learned a lot from testimonies heard and got to connect with many other young adults who have the same mindset as them.