Things We Miss Most While In Quarantine

April 7, 2020
Social distancing and being on quarantine has left a lot of the ILS students missing their wonderful school.
As everyone knows the world is going through something we don’t usually go through. The virus has made us all stay inside and social distance which leaves people missing things from their normal everyday lives.
All students and teachers are not allowed at their schools and have been conducting online school learning. As nice as it sounded at first students are actually starting to miss some things about school.
“I miss being able to actually talk to my teachers and not just through a screen where words can get misunderstood,” said junior Alessandra Fernandez.
Another reason students miss school is being able to see each other during breakfast, in classes, or at lunch. Yes, we can FaceTime and Zoom, but it just isn’t the same as being in person and having a lot of laughs.
“I miss seeing all my friends come into morning breakfast looking tired and sharing laughs with them before our first class,” said junior Gabriela Echarri.
Many students have been told by their teachers that they actually miss them also.
All the sports teams games and practices were canceled which has led them to miss their sports they love so much. Spring sports had their seasons suspended just as things were getting started. Spring coaches, such as Coach Gomez for baseball and Coach Cerdeiras for Track and Field, are holding virtual practices for their teams.
All of the fun school events also had to be canceled or postponed because of the social distancing which left a lot of students disappointed, but we all just need to remember something good always comes out of something bad.
“I’ve realized that we all take for granted actually being able to attend such a beautiful school,” said Sofia Mendoza.
The main goal is to just stay positive throughout this tough time and help each other out. As from what was said teachers and students are struggling with the quarantine but getting through with the best attitude they possible can.