Two Days in the Life of an ILS student during Online School
Junior Gaby Echarri is very active in the ILS community. She’s pictured here in NYC during last year’s CSPA field trip.
April 30, 2020
Our lives have drastically changed throughout these past months. Here is a view into an ILS student’s experience.
Junior Gabriela Echarri has taken this change as something she can learn and grow from. She has wasted no time and really took this time to do things she has been needing to do.
Not only has she been consistent in her school work, taking care of herself, but also added some new things to her room. Yet her main focus has been school work.
When Gaby was asked what the most productive thing she had done was, she replied “ I have been doing my homework the day it was assigned.”
She also realized, “It’s very easy to fall behind in online school and quite difficult to catch up once you’re already behind.”
Gaby brought up a very good point on how most students thought online school was going to be easy, but in her opinion it is just as challenging as regular school or maybe even a little harder.

She also feels, “The ILS community is doing a great job at it considering we still have morning announcements and LTV.”
Gaby’s mom is also very positive about online school.
“I’ve noticed that online work has made her more independent which I think will be an important tool that she can use for college,” said Ms. Echarri.
Every student is struggling with one class the most, but for Gaby it’s her English class. She feels this way because it’s as if she can’t properly ask her teacher as many questions on their assignments because of not being physically in the same room.
Gaby has said that she has mixed emotions about online school because there is a side of her that likes waking up at 7:55 and staying in her pj’s all day but she misses her ILS community.
“I miss everything about la salle from the cats, to the lion statues, to the terrazzo floor being slippery, steak and cake, and Sr.Sue telling students stories. I feel like I can speak on behalf of the ILS community when I say that we are feeling home sick because La Salle is our 2nd home.”
One exciting thing that has happened was being able to meet her favorite teachers new born baby and how good she has been doing on her test.
The most positive thing Gaby feels that has come out of online school is how we are all still united as a school, as a class, and as a family.