The Lionettes Shake Shack Fundraiser

February 23, 2021
On February 23rd, the Lionettes will be holding a fundraiser with Shake Shack. This event will be held on Tuesday from 11:00 am to 10:30 pm.
To participate in this fundraiser, use the code donation on the Shake Shack app, website, or when you are at the kiosk. You can also show the flyer to the cashier. Once you use the code, enjoy your food!
The Lionettes will be receiving 25 percent of the total purchase of the meal.
But how will the Lionettes use the money that was made?
According to junior Josie Novo, who is part of the Lionettes, helps fund the different costs for being part of the dance team, including competition fees.
“The money that we receive is equally divided amongst the girls,” said Novo. “We don’t use this money on anything besides the team.”
These profits are going to a good cause. That term seems so cliché when it comes to donating money but these donations will also benefit you. You get to eat awesome burgers and you would also be helping the Lionettes out!
Make sure to check out Shake Shack on the 23rd for good burgers and just to lend a helping hand!