Wallows Release “Remote” Deluxe EP

March 8, 2021
On February 19, Wallows released a deluxe version of their EP, Remote.
Wallows consites of three members, Dylan Minette, Braeden Lemasters, and Cole Preston. They all do their share in singing. Minette plays the rhythm guitar, with Lemaster on the lead guitar, and Preston on the drums.
This deluxe Ep was a different version of their Ep “Remote.” There were many differences between the two Eps. For starters, the cover of the Ep has the same design but has a completely different background color. The deluxe Ep also included three new songs: “On Time,” “Quarterback,” and “Another Story.”
The Ep consists of 11 tracks, which is five more than their regular Ep of Remote. Some of the other songs that are included are “Virtual Aerobics”, “Coastlines”, “Dig What You Dug”, and more.
Fans had some very good things to say about the new deluxe Ep.
Sophomore Samantha Baker says, “Even though some songs sound similar to each other they each have their own vibe. The album flows well with the order of the songs and its type of album, you can either listen calmly while doing homework or put a high volume in the car.”
The band has also made a music video for their song, “Quarterback,” which was also released on Feburary 19. Stay tuned for more music coming soon. According to their social media, Wallows is working on their second album!
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