“Cinderella” Cast List Released

March 26, 2021
On Monday March 22nd, the ILS Drama Club released its cast list for this year’s upcoming musical “Cinderella.”
For this year’s spring musical production, the Drama Club has decided on doing the musical “Cinderella.” Although people may love the Disney cartoon version, this musical differs from that narrative telling its own new story. Even the musical’s full name shows it’s different form the Disney version, Roger’s and Hammerstein’s Cinderella.
The cast list has a range of all grade levels, from freshman all the way to seniors. Many of these students have been in previous productions, while for others it’s their first time.
The Official Cast List:
- Cinderella Ani Rincon
- Stepmother Ana Lynch
- Portia Mercy Cabrera
- Joy Victoria Gartner
- Godmother Alma Pichardo
- Prince Francjose Lopez
- Queen Amy Lam
- King Alvaro Amat
- Herald Chiara Cannis
- Steward Victoria Harding
- Chef/ Coachman Mackenzie Granado
- Footman/ Minister Babra Fernandez
- Guests/Townspeople Chiara Cannis, Babra Fernandez, Mackenzie Granado, Victoria Harding, Pierina Santeusanio
The ground work/foundation of the show has already started with rehearsals now taking place.
“The students have already been hard at work for the last couple of weeks. A word of congratulations or encouragement would go a long way,” said Mrs. Rodriguez, Drama Director.
So congratulations to all of these talented students who already trying to put on the best show they can for the school! Senior Alma Pichardo, who plays Fairy Godmother, said:
“I’m so excited for everyone to see what we have in store for them. Even with COVID restrictions of having to do a livestream show, we still want it to be the best show we’ve done yet!”
The whole school will be able to livestream the show for viewing May 13-15, so be ready to support your fellow thespians!