The Met Gala Returns!
A Met Gala inspired meme.
September 29, 2021
The Met Gala came back this year after not happening the last due to the pandemic. In case you’re not exactly sure why the Gala is so famous, it is considered to be one of the most significant and iconic events in the fashion world. In many ways, it’s similar to a prom (there is a theme everyone tries to adhere to, and you see people you either love dearly or dislike entirely), but this year’s Gala was… strange, to say the least.
Of course, like always, the event happened at the MET, or the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Of course, like always, it had a theme (this year it was “American independence”). And of course, like always, some of our favorite celebrities arrived dress to impress. Timothée Chalamet, JLO, Lil Nas X, Frank Ocean, Billie Eilish, and everyone’s favorite Kim Kardashian-West were just among a few celebrities who graced us with their presence.
This year’s event was just a bit strange, though. Many who usually show up, like Nicki Minaj or Blake Lively, failed to show themselves. Whether it was a cousin’s friend ill in Trinidad, or an unspecified reason in the case of the “Gossip Girl” star, they were missed.
Of course, that’s not to say the Met Gala didn’t have its good moments. Usually, the themes for this event are more specific (oh “heavenly bodies” Gala of 2018, how I miss you..), so some of the oddball outfits sported by celebrities this year were completely off base, too intense, or just fell flat. With an incredibly vague theme like “American independence,” stars had to improvise.
“My favorite look was Yara Shahidi,” said senior Maria Meyer. “She gave me very ‘Old Hollywood’ vibes, like Natalie Wood. It reminded me of her, and I thought that was very cute.”
Meyer went on to say that the part she least enjoyed was the fact that there was seemingly, “no pattern or uniform” to the outfits this year. The theme, she said, was “too broad” for what celebrities were trying to express.
Going back to favorites, senior Gabi Hernandez had a favorite.
“Iman’s [outfit] was… a classic look with a modern twist. The headpiece made the look a major vibe,” she said.
“I kinda didn’t care for Addison Rae’s because she looked very matronly! She looked 35 when she’s really 20,” Hernandez added.
Rae had previously posted on her Instagram story, alluding to a look worn in the past by Marilyn Monroe, clearly implying her outfit was meant to imitate the late glamor icon. Unfortunately there IS a reason Marilyn Monroe is regarded the way she is.. the fashion.. the time.. sorry, Addison.
“Kendall Jenner was beautiful, stunning, and a goddess,” said senior Agustina Coretti.
Another notable ensemble was worn by Lil Nas X. He pulled a dazzling Lady Gaga-esque stunt: that is, multiple sparkling outfits under multiple layers of clothes that catch the attention of anyone looking. Wherever he goes, Nas is sure to charm.
Two of our generation’s most loved, Billie Eilish and Timothée Chalamet, also attended, looking gorgeous as ever! Eilish was in a brilliant long ball gown dress, and Chalamet in a simple black and white outfit. One student, who preferred anonymity, described him as “delicious.” I suppose his top did look a bit like a chef’s!
For all its oddness, the 2021 Met Gala was a success. Planning such a memorable and highly scrutinized event coming out of a pandemic is no easy task, and neither is getting a guest list for it. Looking past Frank Ocean’s baby Shrek-looking doll and AOC’s tax -he-rich dress, along with Kim K’s… well, outfit.. the Gala certainly had its highs and lows. Hopefully, the next time it rolls around, we’ll see even more stunning looks.