1st Quarter Back at ILS

1st Quarter Back at ILS

Emma Rodriguez, Writer

The first official quarter after the Covid-19 pandemic is finally coming to a close. All the students are finally back together as one on campus and studying really hard and trying to get that extra grade in before the quarter ends. Students have mixed feelings about being back on campus.

“It was a hard transition back after being virtual for so long. It’s as if I’m a new student all over again,” said junior Catherine Ibarra.

Most kids are just happy to be back on campus for team sports and to see their friends again. They’re not worrying about grades just yet.

“I’m glad I get to see my friends again. I missed talking to them face to face and not through a screen,” said junior Michael Boza.

As the quarter comes to a close and students look to the rest of the semester, it is important to reflect and look back and see whether or not you can improve in some areas of school life, whether it be reconnecting with old friends or finally getting those grades up.

“It was amazing since I didn’t have to be a freshman on campus for long. I get to come back as an upper class-man,” said junior Sebastian Debora.