Immaculate Conception Mass

Daniella Jansen, Staff

As a school, we are blessed to have the ability to come together for Mass. Mass is a time of communion and prayer. As students of ILS we come together to show support for each other in times of need. The Immaculate Conception Mass gave the students a chance to receive blessings and God’s written word at the start of Advent.

“It gave me a chance to pray for my family and friends and to have a moment to connect with God,” said senior Vanessa Pacheco.

“Mass allows me to make time for prayer and really connect with him and the community here at ILS,” said Melanie Scheel Sikaffy, a senior here.

ILS does a wonderful job at keeping Mass holy. The choir at ILS does an outstanding job each time! Next time at Mass, we should remember that we are all privileged to have the opportunity to come to Mass at school and to not be afraid to make sure everyone is being respectful during Mass. At ILS Mass is special to us, and we want to keep it that way..