Three Things and Three Things Only

“Just two years and many more records to be broken.”
January 12, 2022
A winning mentality is one only few can maintain. Though it has been 14 coaching for Coach Helder Valle, and only in his second year with the ILS, he received distinction as High School Coach of the Week by the Miami Dolphins. He understands motivation begins everything, but discipline is what yields results.
“Nothing really. I have nothing but understanding on what it takes to win. We kept the same formula, and we just remained consistent,” he Valle.
Many players have come a long way from their first years. These players stepped up and the improvement they made was important to the 10-0 run this season.
“I think Vashaud Williams came a long way. He was so tiny when he came in, and really developed. In that aspect Angel Cedeño stepped up for us and Preston Landry. They have done a better job mastering their roles,” Coach Valle added.
Many athletes and students do not understand what is asked of a coach, and Coach Valle is a great example of what being a coach really means. He works on both offensive and defensive sides of the ball with Coach DeAndre Mickens as the defensive coach.
“Covid is an adjustment for everyone. Then, you’re dealing with young men, and some react differently, but mainly COVID,” Coach Valle reflected.
Grateful for his senior players’ discipline, Coach Valle is ever mindful that he is still a new coach who feels fortunate and gratified at the hard work his players put in this season.
“They are the class that can say they brought the winning tradition here,” he said.
At the end of the day, it all comes down to three pillars of characteristics Coach Valle and the program asks of the athletes. If they show they can maintain these simple three pillars, Coach Valle knows they can achieve a winning season..
Coach Valle is strict and demanding, but he trusts his team and he’s seen results from it that he was grateful for in the end. Next year there are higher expectations, but they’ll still stick to those three things and those three things only.