Awaken your Mind: Perceptions


Ana Castillo, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Learning the sensory experience of the world can be done by viewing ourselves and everyone around us. The perceptions we have affect our everyday life, a direct impact on our thoughts, actions, and behavior. Therefore, every individual has a completely different set of thoughts about themselves and what they see in others; some might tend to notice and relate to others’ minds.

Why is it important to awaken our perceptions?

For our self-concept and self-esteem to evolve, awaking our perceptions is necessary. These two factors tie in to how we mainly portray see our life as running smoothly. Being self-aware and self-assisted can take a high toll on us setting our thinking straight. To improve as a person, what we strive to do everyday requires accurate self -perception.

How can we analyze our perceptions?

Recognizing situations, objects, patterns, and people are all everyday thoughts relating to perception. Depending on a person’s personality on how they see all of this, can come down to whether their interpretations end up being obstructive or constructive. Changing, rebuilding, and experiencing are essentials to analyzing further the actions to be different or continue with the ideals one has. Changing can be seen as accepting personal responsibility on your past unconscious reactions on any given take. Rebuilding, inspiring yourself to see what you wish to view, opening and letting go to see what would be your designed future are valuable opportunities. Lastly, experiencing is the best way to learn by gathering a new conscience.

Creating positive outcomes from waking up from those doubts that store in the hidden and harmful side of perception are beneficial. Seen in a different light, one with hope that you can achieve an in depth mind search to pursue your ultimate goals.