Are You Ready For Homecoming or Is Homecoming Ready For YOU?


Isabella Estrada, Writer

Homecoming is right around the corner, and you are probably wondering what the theme is, what you can wear, what will you be doing, or what even is Homecoming?! Well, I’m here to answer all these questions for you and ease all your worries.  

What is Homecoming?

Homecoming is week is when students and faculty celebrate school spirit and pride. This week will be full of fun activities like the pep rally and color wars. Each day you’ll dress up as something fun. This year’s theme for Homecoming is Board Games. Here is the Schedule for Homecoming Week, and ideas on what you can wear or how to prepare.

Monday is color wars where students may dress up in their class color. Freshman are purple, Sophomores are orange, Juniors are blue, and Seniors are red. There will be diverting activities in the gym during F-Block this day. Make sure to bring $1 dollar for your color cup, an opportunity to dowse classmates with your class color.

Tuesday it is Twin Tuesday where you and a partner can dress up exactly the same.

Wednesday is Charades which means you may dress up as your classes theme. Freshman are Jumanji, Sophomores are Monopoly, Juniors are Game of Life, Seniors are CandyLand, and Teachers are Operation. On this day each class will get to present their skit in the gym. For this, it is suggested to be as creative as possible based on your class theme.

On Thursday it is Scrabble. You will dress up as something that starts with the first letter of your name. You can also grab a group of friends to spell a Scrabble word. 

On Friday it is green and gold day where you may you wear your class Hoco shirt with green and gold accessories. On this day there will be a pep rally in the gym so make sure to bring lots of energy.  Homecoming winners are announced this day.

Later in the day is the Homecoming football game and the Queen and King of each class will be selected. Encourage your classmates to dress up everyday as you will get points for that, and havea chance at winning Homecoming. Remember to think outside of the box and not be scared to go all out. Homecoming is considered one of the funnest weeks since it’s so interactive, so make sure to make the best out of it.


Picture of the Schedule posted on IG