Be Mindful, Be Present in Your Community

Being present in the moment and aware of your community.

Mindful Kids Miami, Inc

Being present in the moment and aware of your community.

Ana Castillo, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Being mindful in your community entails being aware of your thoughts, emotions, and actions in relation to people and surroundings. You’re probably thinking that you have this trait, which is probably true, but it doesn’t apply to the majority of today’s youth.

A good mental health is more difficult to find in children who do not live in that environment and do not understand values such as mindfulness. The truth is that one’s mental health is critical to one’s future. The values I learned from my parents, friends, and school have all contributed to my awareness, which is why I believe we should take the initiative to spread this message.

Mindful Kids Miami (MKM) is a non-profit organization, whose mission is to benefit children from pre-K to 12th grade in Miami and throughout Florida by helping educators, health providers, and caregivers teach mindfulness skills to children and youth in schools and other settings.

According to their story, research has demonstrated that children in today’s schools are experiencing escalating levels of stress which impedes their ability to learn, impairs brain development, and affects behavior. This lead them to establishing in schools and for their educators the importance of awareness in the present moment.

MKM has programs for children and teens which are simple to register for those who may not have the opportunity to learn from their environment. You can also read about their blogs which provide insight into relatable issues that can be acquired through the techniques they provide.

I’m counting on Immaculata-La Salle, and everyone in the Miami-Dade County area who to access this organization, donate, or volunteer with Mindful Kids Miami with just a single click on this link:


Mindful Kids Miami Website