Senior Class Meetings Recap
Whip n’ Dip will be offered to seniors every Thursday during the fourth quarter.
March 10, 2020
On March 4th, all grades had their class meetings either in the cafeteria or the gym. Ms. Varese started off the senior class meeting with reminders on how students are to behave during drills.
During a fire drill, students are to move quickly and quietly. Even if it’s a code yellow— which means there is no fire— the point of the drill is to ensure that students know what to do in the case of a real fire. During lockdown drills, stay put until there is an announcement saying otherwise, regardless whether or not the bell rings. Ms. Varese also reminded the class that if students are outside class during the time of a lockdown and no classrooms are available, hide.
Ms. Varese also made it clear that there shouldn’t be anything other than toilet paper flushed down the toilet. Boys, don’t flush wipes, and girls, don’t flush feminine products.
SGA then went over dates for upcoming events: Royal Idol will be postponed until further notice, Grad Bash is on April 3rd, Senior Prom is on May 15, Graduation is on May 21st, and SALTT’s For the Kids will be on March 25.
FTK is a fundraiser where refugee children in Miami come to La Salle to play games and participate in sports. All athletes and SALTT members must attend. There will be teams of 10 competing against each other in various sports, the winner gets a prize. Sign up is on Thursday, March 5th— students can choose their teams then. There will be an opportunity to tie dye the FTK shirts 3 days before the event.
Prom tickets are available on the ILS website for $110 per person. The theme will be Starry Night, there will be dangling lights and the colors are black, white, and blue. Prom will be in the Intercontinental Hotel in Downtown.
During the first week of the fourth quarter, Whip n Dip will be offered every Thursday— the first time is free.
Seniors were given senior packages containing important information, they are to keep it and read it thoroughly.