Test Optional Colleges and SAT

September 4, 2020
Since the COVID-19 global pandemic started, many seniors have not been able to take their SAT, which has led many colleges to go test optional. There are over a thousand colleges across the US that have changed their approach to emphasizing standardized test scores.
College Board and school systems have been trying their best to accommodate around COVID-19 so students can take their SAT. Many schools have actually updated their admissions policy to reflect the current challenges of taking the SATs and ACTs safely. The virus has forced them to cancel many test dates due to social distancing, leaving many students worried for their scores.
College Board has asked colleges to extend the deadlines for receiving test scores considering the fact that many students have had their test cancelled.
Social distancing has led many tutoring sessions to go online but if you do not have a device on which you can use a webcam, Khan Academy has free courses for the SAT.
More and more colleges are going test optional but here are the top-10 test optional colleges in Florida.
- University of Miami
- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
- Rollins College
- Campbellsville University
- Everglades University
- Eckerd College
- Keiser University
- Stetson University
- Jacksonville University
- Florida Southern College
- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University- Worldwide
The Fall testing dates include September 26th, October 3rd, November 7th, and December 5th.
College Board has set required rules for the students who are able to attend their test dates including wearing a mask or face covering during SAT administration and sitting each student six-feet apart. Anyone who does not follow these procedures will be asked to leave and will have to sign up for the next SAT date. You will also be given a short survey before entering regarding if you have come into contact with someone who has or been exposed to COVID-19.
Many testing sites have also reduced their capacity so make sure to register early to have a set spot.
Some testing sites will not cancel until the day prior of the date. It’s important to be checking your emails or college board to see if your test site has cancelled.
The main focus is to insure the safety of students and their families before being able to continue administrating the SAT.
Regardless of a pandemic, test optional policies are a growing trend in admissions guidelines, which allow students to decide whether or not to include their SAT or ACT scores in their college application.