Drama Club’s First Meeting For 2020-2021 School Year


Sophia Rabelo, Writer

Last week Thursday, September 3rd, Drama clubs existing members had a club meeting over a zoom call.

The meeting only held an invitation for existing only because another meeting we be held at a later date for new members. During the meeting a number of topics were discussed, but it was mostly about how drama club will continue forward amidst a pandemic and important dates. 

Although the club’s executive board mentioned that the whole first semester would be virtual, the drama club has many exciting things planned. 

One being the fact that the whole club will be able to design the club T-shirt. In years past only the clubs executive board would worry about the design, but this year they decided that the whole club should get to vote on who has the best design.

There is also new technology implemented this year for drama. The club will be using the app Band for communication and messaging and now also has its own showbie code, which is where the club members will be able to upload their designs.

Senior Alma Pichardo, who’s been in drama for four years, is on the executive board.

“I’m so excited for drama club this year. It’s so great to see familiar faces come back, even with everything that’s going on,” Pichardo said.

All participants of drama club are excited for what’s to come this new year and all the challenges that their willing to face together.