Movie Theaters Now Open Across Miami

September 25, 2020
On September 14 movie theaters were set to begin opening in Miami-Dade following the CDC guidelines.
Movie theaters are slowly opening at 50% capacity along with many new strict protocols. Theaters are to be cleaned and sanitized throughout the day to help keep everyone safe.
Theaters are requiring masks to be mandatory and are limiting concessions as well as what could be consumed. There are no longer any refills allowed for drinks and popcorn in order to minimize contact.
The current movie theaters that are now open close to ILS are: CMX Cinemas Brickell, Silverspot, Cinema Metsquare, and AMC Sunset Place 24.
Tickets cost between $5 to $15, which is a lot cheaper than before the pandemic in hopes to get customers back in theaters.
“I’m actually very exited for movie theaters to begin opening because I really missed those weekend plans at the theaters. There are so many new movies coming out that I’m very exited to watch and I was afraid theaters wouldn’t be open in time to watch them,” said senior, Isabella Guardazzi.
The late few months there have been drive in movie theaters at the dolphins stadium, which was always tightly packed. T
“I really wanted to go to the drive in movie night but unfortunately I never had the time, so now I can actually go to a theater close to home and hopefully feel safe while there,” said Guardazzi.
Theaters have been closed since March when the pandemic began in Florida. With that theaters are very exited to open there doors to the public while ensuring safety first.
Many theaters are now open and ready to welcome everybody in again!