Virtual and Hybrid Survey for the Second Semester

The survey sent to ILS parents
December 14, 2020
At the beginning of the school year, Ms. Luisa Serratore sent ILS parents a survey to decide how their child will attend school for the first semester: virtually or through the hybrid model. As the second semester approaches, another survey will be sent to parents with that same question.
With COVID-19 positivity rates at a peak due to the holiday season, choosing to return to school, for some, is just not an option yet.
Senior Isabella De Sousa mentioned the fact that she has “always been virtual” and will be “staying virtual due to the lack of safety still going on with the pandemic.”
Others, however, have chosen the hybrid model throughout the school year and will continue to attend school biweekly.
“My parents and I chose hybrid learning because I thrive more academically when I can talk to the teacher face to face and learn in person. We felt secure making these decisions due to the way the school is extremely prepared,” said senior Sofia Peñas.
ILS has done a fantastic job of ensuring that both virtual and hybrid students feel included in all activities and events. Serratore noted the fact that the second semester survey choice applies to “the entire semester for now.”
However, with such unprecedented times and the chaos that is the year 2020, it is impossible to predict whether or not ILS will be at full capacity during the 2020-2021 school year in the upcoming months.