A Sprinkle of SALTT in Our Lives: Lauren Fakhouri


Allison Perez

SALTT Club has one of the biggest influence on La Salle students and faculty.

Allison Perez, Writer

SALTT is one of La Salle’s largest service clubs, with over 200 members ranging from freshman who just joined for some service hours to upperclassmen who’ve made this club part of their lives. For these people, SALTT digs into their hearts and makes them grow, filled with love for the migrant children and the experience.

Everyone has their own reasons for why SALTT made an impact in their lives.

Lauren Fakhouri, a current senior at La Salle, joined the club freshman year, hoping that it would not only bring her closer to the children, but to God.

Fakhouri loves to spend time with the migrant kids, especially when she sees them on field trips. (Lauren Fakhouri)

“I joined SALTT when I came into La Salle and it was the best decision I ever made. I’ve been able to take part in the experience for my four years here and it has changed my life,” she said. 

What originally got her into SALTT was the amount of love and thanks the ILS students had for the kids in Lake Worth. Fakhouri knew that she wanted to be able to show that same love to the kids by going on the different field trips and simply becoming very involved. “I love to help the club and the executive board as much as I can. I’m always willing to bring some extra candy, help load boxes, or dress up in a goofy costume if it means it’ll make the kids happy,” said Fakhouri.

“My favorite part of SALTT is that we are all one family serving God through service and love.”

— Lauren Fakhouri

But, sometimes, being so involved in the club can be a little challenging. Coming back late from field trips when there’s still lots of homework to do and tests to study for can be tough for most. It may be stressful at times, but that’ll never distract Fakhouri from what motivates her to stay in the club.

What truly motivates Fakhouri to stay in this service club is,” The dedication I see in the ILS students around me. Watching them smile as they enter the school, excited to see the migrant kids, motivates me to do the same. Plus, the smile on the other side of the door, on the kids’ faces, is the best part of it all.”

So, how exactly has being part of SALTT changed Lauren Fakhouri’s life?

“SALTT has changed my life because it has helped me to become not only a better leader, but a better person. It has taught me how to form amazing and rewarding relationships with the kids and the club itself. The kids show me what it means to be kind, loving, and optimistic,” answered Fakhouri.

The migrant children loved making mini snowmen during the Christmas trip. (Fabiana Davila)

This club is one built on service. Not just any service that students do in order to meet the requirement, but the kind that leaves an impact on people for the rest of their lives. It’s a very special experience that teaches others how to better themselves, how to help their community, and how to become closer to God.