A Deep Dive into Environmental Club: The Mission
Artwork done by Allison Perez.
February 2, 2022
With all that the Environmental Club is, does, and wants to do, what does it actually stand for? What’s the mission of the club as a whole? How are they trying to fulfill this?
Well, all that can be answered in this final part to this series— what is the mission they seek to promote at Environmental Club?
As president and senior member Victoria Cajigas put it, “The overall mission is to take the right step for the betterment of the Earth.”
Environmental Club really practices the little way such as mall steps in the right direction, or things that students can do and understand.
The kayak cleanup is the perfect example. Even though the club doesn’t travel across Florida cleaning up every beach, it makes sure La Salle’s is pristine. Doing little things like this teaches the ILS student body some very easy things to do to take care of our campus, and even more importantly, our planet.
“Even it’s a small [step], it still is worth it,” concluded president Victoria Cajigas.
Another member, senior Mia Castellon, summarized it well:
“The overall mission that Environmental Club seeks to accomplish extends well beyond the perimeters of the school. The influence that a school club has on the world seems minimal, but the impact that one person has on a movement can be immense, sometimes making history. By influencing students and educating them on the issues faced by the planet, there are more people who can have an impact on the current state of the Earth.”
Looking ahead to the future of the club, Castellon mused about how in a changing world, clubs like Environmental Club will only become more important as we continue to fight to help the Earth.
“Although it is incredibly important right now, I think in the coming years it will be recognized in a different light, given the dire need for environmental consciousness in our world,” she finished.
Cajigas, thinking more locally, added, “I hope with the changes we are planning on making, such as more use of the recycling bins, stay.”
The club also has some future plans to restart the garden out near the science building that will hopefully come to fruition by the end of this school year with the efforts of all members.
But Cajigas humbly ended with, “Of course, as president, I want to see the club grow through the years and all the hard effort we’ve made can still impact the school years after the current members graduate.”
So to end this series, take a look into Environmental Club. It may not have the most attention, the most members, or the most exposure on LTV or from ILS as a whole, but it is doing good, necessary work by spreading environmental awareness and teaching us, the students, small but meaningful ways to help.
Email Mrs. Calleros or a member of Environmental Club for any inquiries you may have, and thanks for reading this series!