Marvel’s Newest “Hero”? Moon Knight Review



Moon Knight first appeared in the MCU in 1975.

Allison Perez, Writer

TW: Gun violence and Moon Knight spoilers

Sleepwalking is a disorder that over 8 million adults suffer with today. They’ll go to bed thinking that they can finally rest, but will instead wake up in the most random (and sometimes dangerous) of places. It’s a scary thing to go through, because it could result in injury to the person or to others around them. 

Now, imagine that you’re part of the 8 million adults, but instead of waking up in front of your house, you’re in a completely different country and there are random men shooting at you. This is exactly what happens to Steven Grant in the new Marvel show, Moon Knight.

Moon Knight premiered on Disney+ last Wednesday, March 30. It tells the story of Steven Grant, a British museum worker who suffers from a severe “sleepwalking disorder” that requires him to chain himself to his bed every night. In addition to this, he lays out a ring of sand around his bed and tapes his door so that when he wakes up, he could tell if he left his room. 

The show revolves around Egyptian mythology, and includes various gods and details that connect together in an overall Egyptian theme. Caitlyn Gil, a senior at ILS, said that, “The director for the show is Egyptian, and I think that it’s super cool to see how that influences the show.”

Steven happens to wake up in a very intense situation. Being the awkward and cowardly man he is, he tries to escape but finds himself in the middle of some sort of “cult” that revolves around the idolization of Arthur Harrow, a man who was given the power to weigh people’s souls and decide if they are true of heart or not.

In this role, Oscar Isaac has to switch between a British and an American accent. (Marvel )

“I like Arthur, and I think that it’s a very interesting concept to have the antagonist be a previous Moonknight. I hope that we see more of him in the MCU,” said senior Raymon Martinez. 

It is at this point that we realize that Arthur is the main villain of the show and will become a difficult opponent for Moon Knight, especially since Moon Knight has a strange version of Split Personality Disorder. He shares the body of the man we know as Steven with a trained soldier named Marc Spector. Marc happened to make a deal with the Egyptian Moon god, Khonshu, and became his “earthly vessel” in order to fight his opponents. 

“The visuals in the show, especially when we see Khonshu and Marc in his suit, are incredible and make me want to keep watching,” said sophomore Mariam Osman. 

Marvel fans who are interested in watching the show can tune in on Disney+ every Wednesday and watch Oscar Isaac switch between his two very different selves.