Rocking It With A DJ

September 1, 2022
Many of you know the radio station Y100. But, do you know the man behind it all?
DJ Frankie P at Y100 loves what he does which truly makes his work special.
“There’s a lot of cool and rewarding things about this job. One is like being able to use this platform to amplify the voices of other people,” he explained.
When DJ Frankie was looking for a job, he wanted to find one that could help voice what he cared about. For example, when he interviews celebrities, though he prepares questions himself, he also makes sure to look out for his fans by visiting a variety of social media platforms to ask the followers of that particular celebrity what they would like him to know. He does this because he hears interviews of some of his favorites, it is usually the same questions being asked. To keep things interesting, he asks the fans who frequently come up with far more original questions.
Using his platform, DJ Frankie expressed concerns about not being able to say most things because some of society can be highly critical if they feel he has said what they deem the wrong thing. What truly makes this job so significant is the fact that this was his dream job, and he can say he has his dream job.
“I remember like growing up listening to someone like Elvis Duran, and then one day you are just like in the same room with him and he’s like ‘you are my coworker’ and you are like, ‘I am your coworker,'” he said.