How to Survive the La Salle Plague


The key points to surviving the La Salle plague is to take care of one self.

Alina Figueroa, Writer

Everyone has been getting sick lately, and everyone is talking about it. And every time you hear someone cough or sneeze, you pray and wish that you don’t get it. Or maybe, you pray and wish that you do get it.

But if you are trying to avoid getting sick, I would recommend to start doing some preparation.
You could wash your hands more often, stay a good distance away from those who are sick, not share water bottles or food with someone who is sick, and lastly, start taking your daily vitamins.

Taking your daily vitamins will boost your immune system. When your immune system is healthy and strong, you don’t get sick that easily.Your immune system fights off infections and gets rid of toxic germs that could affect your body.

Part of why people are getting sick at this time of the year, is because it’s the flu season. The temperature is also going down and because we live in Miami, people get sick easily.

Another factor you must consider if you do sports, is that the chilly air may get you sick if you are sweaty. You still sweat even if it is cold. So if you don’t cover up after you sweat, you may get sick.

But if you are sick, and still coming to school, I would remember to take care of yourselves and others. When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose so you don’t spread germs to others. Don’t get too close to others and don’t touch others belongings if your hands aren’t clean. Remember to wash your hands constantly and clean your area. And if you feel really bad, go to the doctor to receive medical treatment and/or prescription medication.

Remember to not only think about yourself as you could get those around you sick. Take care of yourself and others since it’s almost winter break and no one wants to be sick during the holidays!

It’s the season to take care of yourself and others. (Picture from