Sandy Hook 10 Years Later
Sandy Hook Promise, the 10-year anniversary remembrance of the tragic incident has been commemorated with a permanent memorial.
December 19, 2022
Survivors and victims came together to create the Sandy Hook Promise, an advocacy program and charity that brings people together to make schools safe against violence.
“The Sandy Hook Promise Foundation is one of the most effective and efficient charities I have ever come across. I give as freely of my time as I can to educate everyone I can that violence is preventable. #ProtectOurKids” -Doug MacLeod, Sandy Hook Promise Volunteer
“Our mission is to educate and empower youth and adults to prevent violence in schools, homes, and communities.” -Sandy Hook Promise
Over 18 million people have participated in and signed programs. And over 378 lives have been confirmed to be saved. This is proven progress against school violence.
The Sandy Hook Promise is a national nonprofit organization founded and led by several family members whose loved ones died at Sandy Hook Elementary School December 14, 2012.
The tragedy of Sandy Hook is still relevant in this day in age. An act of school violence that occurred December 14, 2012, in Connecticut, it left 26 people dead, 20 of whom were children and the other six school staff.
Sandy Hook Promise is dedicated to shining a light on these vital facts and statistics.
December 14, 2022, marked the 10th anniversary of this tragic incident. Many survivors and parents of victims sat in mass mourning the loss of their loved ones. On November 13, 2022, the Sandy Hook Permanent Memorial opened. This memorial honors the loved ones killed in the incident. The design of the memorial is a basin with the engravings of the victims’ names. In the middle, there is a young Sycamore tree, symbolizing the young ages of the victims.