Celebrate All Women
Photo Illustration: Gabriela Pinate
This series of images celebrates the significance of Women’s History.
March 17, 2023
Women’s Day is a holiday celebrated around the world March 8 to appreciate everything women do, and to show how far they have come since earlier centuries when women had fewer rights as well as opportunities.
Officially becoming a holiday in 1911, it’s important to celebrate Women’s Day because we ought to acknowledging the pioneering efforts of talented women who came before us, contributing to a much better society.
She also says that we should celebrate women’s day to honor ourselves as women and to continue to remember to respect one another.
Marquez said it is clear women now have many more rights than they did in the 20th Century and even more so in the last 10 years where many Western nations in particular have focused on women’s educational and career attainments.
Ms. Lianne Rodriguez, ILS drama teacher, is keen on the importance of the day.
Many believe that women should use their voices by protesting things they feel aren’t right.
Junior Vicky Harding explained that people in many countries don’t have many rights.
In parts of Asia, women don’t have many rights, or they separate what women can do and what they can’t do.
Fun Facts:
In 1975, Women’s Day is officially acknowledged.
Women’s Day is a mixed holiday in many places, including countries like Serbia and Albania where it is celebrated with Mother’s Day so the two holidays may be commemorate in one day.
In 2011, President Barack Obama announced that March would be dedicated to Women’s History.
Let’s support Women