Drama Club Goes Virtual


Sophia Rabelo, Writer

On Tuesday August 25th, Drama Club’s executive board had its first meeting to discuss its plan for the 2020-2021 school year.

Due to COVID-19, students are going to school virtually, resulting in many of ILS clubs and sports having to be creative with how their going to go forward this school year. The clubs executive board had the meeting on zoom which has become the school’s main source for communication. 

The board discussed a number of issues that Drama would be facing this year. They decided that the would proceed how they normally would, baring some minor set backs.

Let’s not miss out on an opportunity like this

— Mrs. Rodriguez

Mrs. Rodriguez, Drama club director/moderator, says: 

“This is not the ideal way to do theater or not the ideal way to do anything, but let’s not miss out on an opportunity like this. Let’s be able to say years later that we rose to the occasion during a pandemic.”

The club is definitely doing a show in the first semester, but since school is still virtual they decided to host the show virtually viva zoom or live stream if needed to be. Obviously there would be no virtual show if school resumes after the first quarter. 

The executive board also discussed club t-shirts, sweaters, and masks! The club will be able to choose the design of their t-shirts and eventual sweaters. As for the mask, one has already been made and has a very cute and stylish design. 

As for Drama Club as a whole there will be a meeting Thursday, September 3rd at 3:00 pm after school. 

This meeting will be open to only preexisting members, since there will be another meeting at a later date for new members.

The executive board is excited for the new year and is sure that it will be drama best year yet, despite the pandemic we are facing now.