Cast Of Twelfth Night Extends Filming Schedule
December 15, 2020
Last week Thursday, drama clubs cast of “Twelfth Night”, extends their filming schedule to Thursday of this week.
The original plan was to film the entire show on Thursday, but that plan soon changed when people realized how long it would take to film the whole show. Therefore, Mrs. Lianne Rodriguez, the ILS Drama director, decided to extend the filming schedule to this week Thursday.
This allowed for more rehearsal time in between both filming days, including a weekend rehearsal. The cast filmed the first half of the show, Acts One and Two, last week.
“I think we may have fallen a bit behind, but considering the restrictions, I think the show will be wonderful as we have all begun to get into the show’s rhythm and really immerse ourselves in performance,” said senior Eliza Lee, one of the cast members.
Since said performance, the cast has been called on campus everyday this week to rehearse scenes over and over again, trying to get things perfect before the next filming day.

The cast even agreed to another weekend rehearsal this past Sunday, from 11 to 2. Although there was not tech involved, meaning no costumes, makeup, lights, etc, it was still a very successful rehearsal as everyone felt it helped there performance moving forward.
Senior Alma Pichardo, the show’s lead actress, thought the extra time for rehearsal would “definitely will help the production.”
“Putting on the show with the pandemic going on has been challenging and we want to make it the best it it can be and postponing that will ensure we have more time to perfect it,” she said.
Although many of the cast members have positive attitudes for the show despite all the challenges thrown their way, some still miss the normalcy of doing a show live on stage with an audience.
Because of the pandemic the students are required to film the show with no audience present. This has proven to be one of the flaws of the whole process.
“Filming the show has been very different,” said senior Pablo Amat. “I think filming it is easier but it doesn’t give you the same passion for the stage.”
This has not stopped the cast from trying to put on the best performance that they can, so let’s wish them luck for there last performance this Thursday!