7 Things every Senior should do before Graduation


Bianca Sanz, Writer

Finishing high school is always a bittersweet moment that everyone will eventually get to. And since it’s the end of the school year we are all thinking ahead. We ar thinking about new beginnings and our new life but we are also reminiscing on the childhood memories and if we lived our high school experience to the best it could have been.

#1 Figuring out the future

This is a must-do for every senior. Some questions everyone should ask themselves are: Are you going to college? Getting a job? Whatever you do, make sure you have a concrete plan nailed down well before graduation.

Also try working on you passions because it might turn out to be what you want to do in the future.

#2 Make a new friend outside of your typical circle

High school’s also about making friends so hang out with them on the weekends and enjoy being around new faces.

Some of your friends will stick with you through college and even the course of your adult life. But you may grow apart from others. Take this time to talk to someone you haven’t gotten to know in the past. This could be a lifelong friend!

#3 Attend an athletic or school spirit event

Even if you’re not into the school spirit stuff, these events can be a lot of fun. Whether it’s attending a sports game or going to a after school activity, everyone always has a good time with their friends.

So make sure to participate a ton in school before you leave!

#4 Get your drivers license!

A big part of high school is being about to start your independent journey of adulthood by driving yourself to school. You get to enjoy car rides with your friends singing carpool karaoke or going on a little road trip.

It’s also a great was to be responsible and be able to go out without relying on your parents to get there. So make sure you get your drivers license as soon as you can.

#5 Doing volunteer work

Besides having to get service hours for school, it’s always great to give back to the community. You can volunteer at a ministry or any non-profit organization to help those in need.

And it’s like killing to birds with one stone, you get your community service hours done and you better somebody else’s life.

#6 Join an extracurricular activity

Another way to get involved is through joking a club or sport. This way you can find a hobby you love or make friends. There are tons of activities such as any sports, Key Club, Student Council, SALTT Club… it’s hard to pick!

And you can get involved with as many activities as you want, but don’t go to overboard cause you don’t want to over schedule yourself.

#7 Just have fun!

Yes do your homework and be a good student, but don’t stress yourself too much.

This is high school. Four years out of your ENTIRE life.

One bad grade may affect your grade in ONE class for ONE six-weeks grading period, but it is NOT going to be the end of the world. There is so much more to life than that.

So just enjoy high school to the fullest.