Rookie Year: New Faces Around ILS
Pictured is Mr. Carlos Blanco
September 3, 2021
After over a year of sitting behind a screen, ILS students finally have a chance to see new faces. Among these are 15 additions to faculty, all of whom have brand stories to share. Each one has arrived with something different to give, and ILS is happy to embrace them.
The Math and History departments gained five, Athletics 3, English 2, and Language 1.
Along with their teaching skills and knowledge, some teachers have brought with them unique traits.
For example, Ms. Mateu not only teaches physics and Pre-Calculus, but also loves to solve puzzles such as Rubik’s cubes. Mr. Benavides, who teaches math as well, is passionate about reading and appreciating a good book. Mr. Blanco, a math teacher, is also a certified drone pilot and admirer of jazz music.
Mr. Shaheen, a history buff and brother the beloved Mr. Shaheen, enjoys not only teaching, but rollerblading and playing chess. He is also a fan of rap and funk.
Sr. Eileen Tickner may be involved with athletics and Campus Ministry, but she also loves to carve wood and spend her time outdoors.
ILS is also welcoming back some past alumni— including Ms. Kayla Gonzalez from the English Department. Ms. Gonzalez is really looking forward to interacting with the students and making the year awesome, inside and outside of the classroom.
Besides the teachers, there are new faces to greet and assist students when they take a trip by the advancement office, like Ms. Cabrera. She is very patient, understanding, and working hard on the “Building on the Legacy” campaign.
Lastly, the newest member of the World Language Department is Ms. Vega, who teaches Spanish. She likes to dance and is thrilled to educate students with her personal and other delightful Hispanic heritage stories. Culture brings people together, Ms. Vega firmly believes, and as such, she hopes to connect to students through the cultures they represent.
Now that you know a thing or two about the new teachers, go out and meet them. They have already grown to love ILS in such a short time, and are determined to help students achieving marvelous milestones.