Online School: Yes or No?

September 15, 2022
Online schooling is something that has been present and easily accessible for years.
Some feel it isn’t effective, while others believe it facilitates learning.
Even though online learning might not be for everybody, here are some of the most crucial (positive and negative) effects it may have on an individual.
1. Socializing (negative):
The first and most important factor when it comes to online school is socializing. Since everything is addressed and controlled through the internet and digitally, some people might miss out on social interactions. They don’t get to see their friends at school everyday or even say hi to someone they know because it’s all through a technological advice.
2. Comfort and accessibility (positive):
Online school can be easily accessible. You can simply do it from your bed, at a coffee shop, sitting down in your living room, you name it. Also, schedules are designed to fit your lifestyle and they essentially make time management easier. Of course, you have to complete schoolwork, but other than that, online school lets a person fulfill other important obligations, like going to the gym or even working.

3. Challenging (negative):
Despite the fact that online school lets you be more independent, some people may find it hard. It is certainly not the same as raising your hand and asking your teacher a million questions until you understand. When you do online school, you’re doing your own thing, at your own pace. There are several online programs that are intense and difficult to comprehend. Not only that, but online school can be challenging for those students who can’t manage their time well. It can get to the point where a student might drown in work, simply because he or she doesn’t have self-motivation or adequate organizational skills. Coming from personal experience, I did online school for almost two years and towards the end, I struggled to complete all my work because everything piled up, and I felt overwhelmed.
4. Students develop self-discipline and how to be an individual (positive):
Students in online school usually end up developing extreme responsibility, self-motivation, time management skills among many other benefits. They learn how to organize their own work, balance out other important factors in their life, and at the end of the day, they still study.
Overall, online school might be an amazing opportunity for some individuals and a complete failure for others, so choose your path wisely.