Upcoming Junior Service Hours Deadline


Victoria Betancourt, Writer

The ILS juniors have an upcoming deadline of the end of 3rd quarter for their service hours in order to graduate.

The school has been helping all grades with their service hours by giving them many in-house opportunities along with sending multiple emails with other service hour options; all being in compliance with COVID-19 guidelines. 

This is an important step into future with this being one of the student’s graduation requirements. Administration puts these deadlines for the grades so that everyone can be on track with college applications their senior year and not have to worry about racking up service hours last minute when service is supposed to be something you do out of the kindness of your heart, not because you need to.

“Preparation for college applications starts the beginning of Senior year. Service hours should be added to your college resume. First semester Senior year should be a time to focus on college applications, etc.,” said Mrs. Robinson, head of service hours.

Administration wants everyone to be prepared for the future, whether that be senior year next year or college. 

However, there is more to service hours than it simply being a graduation requirement: it helps a person grow. Service hours are modeled after the Corporal Works of Mercy. Participating in this brings everyone closer to God and molds them into better people.

“As Christians, Jesus is counting on us help others. Try to find a service which you really like. Whether its helping the poor, elderly or children,” said Robinson.

As this class prepares for the future, they must have positive mindset and make sure to stay on schedule.