
For the 2023-2024 year, the Royal Courier earned Best of SNO twice, Site Excellence, and Continuous Coverage. These are three out of a possible six badges awarded by Student Newspapers Online, our platform. Of the 594 participating schools, the Royal Courier finished in 108th place.
Writers Danna Chalela and Maya Martinez won the second ever Best of SNO for their article highlighting the significance of the Arts and Foundation nonprofit. Way to go, Danna and Maya! Ernesto Losada landed our first Best of SNO for his story on Scott Pilgrim. Excellent, Ernie!
Danna Chalela also earned not one but two All-Florida from the FSPA. Congrats, Danna
About the Royal Courier
The Royal Courier is committed to providing the highest quality of information and news to the Immaculata-La Salle High School community. Staff members report in an accurate, responsible, and fair manner while incorporating the Salesian charism and Catholic faith. Reporters work to unify, inform, and benefit all members of our diverse community. The Courier seeks to utilize modern technology to facilitate and encourage students and faculty to stay up to date with sports, clubs, and community news.
Mission Statement (Immaculata-La Salle)
Immaculata-La Salle High School provides the highest quality Catholic education based on the Gospel and St. John Bosco’s educational philosophy in a student-centered, active learning environment.
Vision Statement (Immaculata-La Salle)
Immaculata-La Salle High School is a home whose Salesian family spirit and academic programs enrich the lives of students toward their holistic formation as good, faithful Christians, and productive, responsible citizens in a dynamic, global society.
In 2022-2023, the Student Newspaper Online (SNO) platform, which publishes over 4,000 middle and high school newspapers, featured the Royal Courier on its leaderboard. Only 250 schools are cited on the leaderboard by ranking. The Royal Courier came in at 101, in addition to earning three of six possible badges: Site, Continuous Coverage, and Story Page Excellence.
Leadership 2024-2025
Let’s welcome the Editorial Board for the Royal Courier!
Katerina Garcia-Co-Editor-in-Chief/Social Media Co-Editor
Alexandra Perez-Co-Editor-in-Chief/Social Media Co-Editor
Luna Fernandez-Sports/Campus Life Editor
Valentina Lanza-Opinion/Podcast Editor
Miguel Suarez-Cabal-Features/News Editor
Brecelis Valdes-Entertainment/Advice Column Editor