DIY Skin Care Face Treatment


Lia Sarria

During this pandemic the last thing people want to do is go out to buy a face mask, here are some you can make at home.

Taking care of your skin is one of the most important things a human can do. Our skin goes through a lot during our day so it’s nice to treat it sometimes.

While the corona virus pandemic has taken over our lives and social media, people are forgetting that you need to keep on taking care of your skin.

Being stuck at home is the perfect time to make a home made face mask with easy ingredients most people already have. A lot of the ingredients can actually be very fun to mix so ask a sibling our parent if they would like to join you.

There are home made face mask for all different types of skin. For example there is one for someone who has oily skin, acne prone, blackheads, and dry skin.

I decided I needed to step up my game and join in on the fun. I have combination skin which can be very tricky so I recommend knowing how your skin reacts to certain things on your face or how sensitive it is.

The face mask I did was a honey and baking soda face mask. I combined anti-inflammatory baking soda with exfoliating lemon juice and honey to soothe my skin.

This face mask is great for fighting acne for those random breakouts we all know and hate.

I put 1 teaspoon of lemon, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a small bowl. Once I had all the ingredients I made sure to mix well and apply it all over my face (you can put it on your neck as well but I didn’t see that as necessary).

It is important to avoid the area near your eyes because the lemon juice and honey can make them sting. This face mask can get messy because it drips on your face so make sure you have a napkin to stop the dripping.

Once you leave it on for 15 minutes, you remove the mask with warm water and then cold water. Do not make this a scrub by rubbing it into your skin, gently take it off with the water.

I loved this face mask because it left my skin feeling very smooth and fresh.

There are many more face mask you can make through out this boring and difficult time online. They are  blogs and YouTube videos which teaches you step by step what to do and what not to do.

Below are some links to websites and videos of more mask. I hope you all enjoy making and putting on the mask and good luck!