Schedule Changes for Virtual and Hybrid Students


Mia Castellon, Writer

With the move to a hybrid, blended learning set up, ILS has made changes around campus to ensure the safety and protection of the students, faculty and staff. Among those changes are one-way staircases and pathways, plexiglass dividers in the cafeteria, as well as temperature checks. Another major change is a slight alteration to the school’s bell schedule.

All students received an email highlighting the new schedule meant to accommodate both full virtual and hybrid students. The schedule includes changes in lunch times, class times, and the added Day 3 on wednesdays.

Hybrid students have been divided into two cohorts, or groups, Yellow and Green. The Yellow cohort will report to their classes in person on Mondays and Tuesdays. The Green cohort will report to their classes in person on Thursdays and Fridays

On Wednesdays, Day 3s, all students are to attend virtual classes. This is being done so that there’s a deep cleaning of the campus while the students and staff are at home.

The blocks have been scheduled in a way similar to the one that students followed before virtual school began back in March. The revised schedule includes lunches 1, 2, and 3 for Day 1 and 2M. One thing students need to remember, when they’re at home, they need to follow the lunch schedule that corresponds to the in-person class. At home students need to know if their C or G Block have first, second or third lunch.

In addition to these changes, dismissal time has been moved fifteen minutes to 2:45pm. Senior privileges also kicked off this week with seniors being dismissed at 2:35 PM in an effort to help with traffic flow.

Since students and teachers are adapting to the new schedule, there have been multiple revisions over the past week. An image of the most recent version of the schedule can be seen on this page.

“Well, I don’t mind it,” shares Gabriela Danger, a full virtual student, “I like that the times line more with a normal school day because I know when I finally get to go back, I’ll be able to adjust better.”

“To me, it doesn’t really feel like there’s been any major changes, schedule-wise,” said Caitlyn Gil, a hybrid student, “Obviously classes are smaller and the walkways are different, but I really think the way ILS set it up works pretty well.”